
All Gardens believes in doing work that is practical, tailored to our client’s needs, and that maximizes ecological benefits.

Some of our clients are dedicated gardeners, some are property management companies. We understand that people’s needs and expectations very enormously and are happy to accommodate them. Whoever the client, we know that the work we do has to last, require the minimal level of maintenance, and not interfere with other functions.

We take an ecological approach to our work. So much of traditional landscape practices amount to starting a forever war. Fertilizing plants disrupts their relationships with soil building microbes creating a dependency. Similarly, applying pesticides kills predator insects, whose populations are slower to rebound.

We use native plants, or others that are well suited to the site that support biodiversity by providing food and habitat. To a sensible extent we leave leaves, and other organic matter where it can shield the soil, hold in moisture, insulate roots and break down into earth.

Let’s Work Together