Lawn grass is the single largest crop grown in America covering 40 million acres. Lawn care accounts for 5% of emissions and 20% of freshwater use. Additionally large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides are used to keep up these unnatural monocultures. Lawns can be useful areas of play and leisure but their adoption as the default landscape choice and status symbol has been incredibly destructive.

That is why one of our favorites jobs at All Gardens is the removal of lawns and replacement with ecologically friendly gardens. This might be a pollinator garden, a patio surrounded with plantings, or a woodland garden, depending on the site. These don’t require fertilizer or pesticide, look beautiful and creates food and habitat for birds, butterflies, and insects. With a little help from our knowledgeable team, we can transform an unused lawn into a beautiful and useful garden space.

Lawn Replacement

Let’s Work Together


Tree Planting