All Gardens is committed to the sustainable management of your property. Instead of trying to maintain your garden in a static state, we use sustainable practices to keep your garden looking beautiful and healthy as it changes dynamically over time. Not only is this approach environmentally beneficial, it reduces the amount of maintenance your garden needs.
Spring & Fall cleanups
Transplanting & thinning
Mulching & Compost
Trellising & support
Irrigation assistance
Pest management & rabbit deterrents
We tailor our maintenance protocol according to the needs of each garden and client. Our services are flexible; we are open to frequent or occasional visits. Just let us know what works for you.
Our maintenance services:
Our sustainable practices include:
Onsite materials. Use fallen leaves as mulch, maintain brush piles and compost onsite when possible.
Low Inputs. Minimize the use of fertilizers &Electric Power. When possible, use battery-powered equipment & tools.
Naturalistic pruning. Maintain the natural shape and structure of trees and shrubs; prune only as necessary.
Less water. Water temporarily in the first few years of establishment.
Low Input. Avoid using fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
Ecologically-timed. Schedule work tasks according to the seasonal needs of wildlife (provide winter shelter, etc.).
Prioritizing soil. Promote soil health by encouraging decomposition; use leaf mulch, compost, and biochar as necessary.